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Do you already have some experience in your target language but don't know which

class or level is right for you? We're here to help with a FREE consultation!

Request a Consultation
Please provide the information below and we'll pair you with an instructor as soon as possible (note that we usually need at least 24 hours notice to arrange a consultation). 

What to expect: Consultations involve an instructor asking about your experience in the language and your goals, as well as speaking in the language if you feel comfortable doing so. Consultations usually take around 15 minutes and can be conducted via Zoom or over the phone depending on your preference. 

Next steps: After you speak with an instructor, we will suggest a level and class that we think would be the best fit for you.
Please list 3 timeframes that you would be available for 15 minutes this week or by specific date: 
Consultation preference

Thanks for submitting!
We’ll get back to you within 1–3 business days.

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