Mandarin - High Beginner 2
Mondays 7:45-9:15 PM (EST)
Course Description
This is a standard class that meets once per week for 8 consecutive weeks: March 3 – April 21. For students who have completed the High Beginner 1 course or who have a strong foundation in the language. This course builds upon the previous level and focuses on expanding students’ vocabularies and knowledge of phrases. Each lesson will include reading and writing exercises accompanied by listening and speaking topics. Level: HSK2 / CEFR: A2 Topics: food, transportation, weather, time, hobbies Objectives: food-related vocabulary (descriptions, prices, measuring), asking for and giving directions, temporal expressions, adverbs, asking opinions, forming suggestions and indicating time with particles, the predicate with 2 verbs (method vs. purpose) Textbook: New Concept Chinese 1, Lessons 21-30