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This course has started, but you can book the remaining sessions.
Japanese - High Beginner 4
Tuesdays 6:00-7:30 PM (EST)
Started Jan 14Started Jan 14Online - Zoom
230 US dollars
Course Description
This is a standard class that meets once per week for 8 consecutive weeks: January 14 – March 4. This is a continuation of the High Beginner 3 class. The primary focus of this level is on building on grammar, conversational phrases, and reading/writing skills. Pop culture themes such as Japanese anime, music, and games are also featured. Vocabulary for the JLPT N5 level will be introduced, including more advanced Kanji. Topics: ordering at restaurants, shopping, using public transport, and simple conversations Textbook: "Japanese for Busy People" – Volume I (4th Edition), Kana Version
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