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Haitian Creole - Beginner

Wednesdays 6:00-7:30 PM (EST)

Started Jan 8
230 US dollars
Online – Zoom

Course Description

This is a standard class that meets once per week for 8 consecutive weeks: January 8 – February 26. Introduces basic phrases and vocabulary with an emphasis on pronunciation and fundamental grammar. Students will learn to introduce themselves and talk about their daily activities. Topics : family, work, studies, and travel Objectives: vowel and consonant pronunciation, personal pronouns (long and short forms), definite and indefinite articles, singular and plural forms of nouns, possessive pronouns, numbers, colors, descriptive adjectives, gender and number agreement, the simple present tense (positive and negative forms), the timeless verb form, telling time, question words, the imperative, the link verb se, the verb form ye, days of the week, and parts of the body Textbook: Ann Pale Kreyòl, 2nd edition

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