French - Intermediate 2
Mondays 7:30 PM-9:00 PM (EST)
Course Description
This is a standard class that meets for 8 consecutive weeks: February 3 – March 31. *No class on March 3. This program is intended for students with a strong foundation in French who have completed the Intermediate 1 course or who have experience equivalent to around two semesters of university study. Both written material and videos will be used to improve reading and oral comprehension. Students will learn vocabulary to become conversant on a wide range of subjects, particularly focusing on the differentiation between different past tenses. Cultural points, such as French traditions and holidays, will also be incorporated into lessons. Emphasis will be placed on building conversation skills and accent refinement. Topics: vacation, holidays, shopping, the household, art, literature, music, and theater Objectives: the imperative, the impersonal (c’est and il est), negative forms, gerundives, double-object pronouns, indefinite adjectives, indefinite pronouns, relative pronouns, "connaître" vs. "savoir," le passé composé vs. l’imparfait Textbook: Contacts (8th Edition), Lessons 19-24